Project Updates

Click here to view a master list of Holtzman Wildlife Foundation grantees and projects.

February 2020

International Animal Rescue successfully rehabilitates and releases a foster mother, named Monti, and baby orangutan, named Anggun, back into the wild. They were released in the Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park (TNBBBR)—located on Borneo Island, Indonedia—with three other rehabilitated orangutans. Click here to learn more.

January 2020

The Oceanic Preservation Society begins work on a new film about how plant-based plastics can help solve the plastics pollution problem.

December 2019

The Nonhuman Rights Foundation celebrates Animal Rights Day on December 10. It is also the same day as Human Rights Day, signifying that the fight for nonhuman animal rights is rooted in the same values and principles of justice as human rights.

November 2019

Painted Dog Conservancy begins its second, and biggest, phase of reconstruction work supported by Holtzman Wildlife Foundation. The phase includes destroying the old buildings and making way for the new construction to improve infrastructure. This will enable the nonprofit to construct office, research lab and accommodation that will last for many, many years to come.

October 2019

Thanks to funding from the Holtzman Wildlife Foundation, Oceanic Preservation Society completes its film detailing the importance of preserving the indigenous wildlife habitat on the island of Sumatra.

Justice Alison Y. Tuitt of the Bronx Supreme Court grants the Nonhuman Rights Project’s request for a temporary restraining order that prevents the Bronx Zoo from moving their elephant client, Happy, out of New York State before an upcoming hearing in her historic elephant rights case.

September 2019

GRACE celebrates World Gorilla Day on September 24 with a pioneering project—a 24/7 gorilla livestream! The nonprofit also holds several celebratory community events in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo including tree planting, radio broadcasts and the region's first ever competitive race. Click here to read more.

GRACE is awarded Accredited status by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS), the only globally recognized organization providing standards for identifying excellence in animal sanctuaries. GRACE is the first great ape sanctuary in Africa to receive GFAS accreditation. Click here to read more.

August 2019

Thanks to funding from Holtzman Wildlife Foundation, Detroit Zoo staff are able to travel across the globe to participate in several activities to advance wildlife conservation and raise awareness about important issues affecting wildlife today.

Animal Defenders International rescues 27 lions from circuses in Peru and Columbia.